Products - Items tagged as "1960's"

View all 1928 1950's 1960's 1970's 925 AAi Accessories Adam's Delight AllBracelets AllBrooches AllEarrings AllNecklaces AllRings Amber Amethyst Angel Angels Animal AnimalPrint Animals Anna Beck AnneKlein Anthurium Antique Apple Aqua Aqua Blue Aquablue AquaMarine ART Art Deco Art Glass Art Nouveau ArtGlass Arthur Pepper Articulated Artisan Artwork Asian Atomic atomic age Aurora Borealis Austria Austrian Crystal Autumn AutumnLeaves Avocado Green Avon Baby Blue Baguette Baguettes Baker Bangle Bar Pin Barclay Baroque Pearls Barrette Baseball Beachy Bead Caps Beaded Beaded Necklace Beads Bear Beau Beau Jewelry Beau Jewels Bell Bell Trading Bell Trading Post Bells Belt Belt Buckles Belts By Lois Berries Berry Bib Bird Birds BitchinRetroHome Black Black Cabochon BlackandGold BlackandWhite Blue Blush Pink BobMackie Bogoff Bohemian Boho Bolo Book Locket Book Piece Bow Bows Bracelet Bracelets Brass Bridal Bride Brooch Brooches Brown Brutalist BSK Buddha Butterflies Butterfly Butterscotch Bypass C & M C and G C Clasp Cabochon cabot Caduceus Calla Lily Cameo Cane Carnation Carolee Cat Cats Celebrity Celestial Chain Chains Chandelier Chaton Cheetah Chef cherub Christian Christian Dior Christian Dior Germany Christianity Christmas Christmas Gift Christmas Nutcracker Christmas Tree ChristmasBells Christopher Radko Citrine Clip Earrings Cloisonne Clothing clover Clutch Conch Shell Contemporary Convertible Earrings Cook Copper Copper Brooch Copper Link Coral Cordelia Coreen Simpson Coro coro brooch Coro Necklace CoroBracelet Cospaly Couture Cowboy Cowboy Boot cranberry gold Creed Crest Cross Crosses Crossover Crown Crown Trifari Crown Trifari Brooch Crown Trifari Earrings CrownTrifari Crystal CrystalBrooch CrystalEarrings CrystalNecklace crystals Cuff cuff bracelet Cufflinks cupid Daisy Damascene Dana Buchman Danecraft David Andersen Deer Delizza and Elster Demi Parure DemiParure Deri Designer Dichroic Glass Disney Dodds Dog DogCoat DogHoodie DogParka Dogs domed Don Lin Door Knocker Dragons Dreamsicle Drop Earrings Drop Necklace Duette Dusters Earring Jackets Earrings Egyptian Eisenberg Elephants Elizabeth Taylor Embroidery EMJ Emmons Enamel Enameled Erwin Pearl Essex Etoile Fall Fashion Feather Feathers Fellowship Foundry Filigree Fish Floral Floral Brooch Florenza Flower FlowerBrooch Flowers fluorite Focal Beads France Freshwater Pearls Frogs Frosted Fruit Salad Fur GameofThrones gecko Geometric Germany Gerry's Gilbert Begay Ginnie Johansen Giuliano Fratti Givenchy Glass Beads Glass Cabochon Gofer Goldette Goth Gothic Grapes Graziano Greek Key Green Grosse Guitar Halloween HalloweenCostumes Hammered Hand Painted Handarbeide Handbags Hat Hattie Carnegie Heart Heart of the Sea Heart Scrolls Hearts Heather Hobe Holiday Holly Hong Kong HongKong Hoop Earrings Horn Horse Hummel Hummingbird Intaglio Italy Jackie Singer Jade Japan Jewel Tones Jewellery Jewelry Jewelry parure jewelry set JewelryLot Jewels of India Jingle Jingle Bells JJ JJI Joan Rivers JoanRivers JonetteJewelry Josie Cruz Natori Judith Jack Judith Leiber Juliana Kafin KD-TR Kelly Green Kenneth Jay Lane Kenneth Lane KennethJayLane Kissaka Kitschy kittens KJL Knight Knot Kramer Lacquer laguna Lampwork Lapel pin Lariat Laurel Burch Lava Glass Lavender Leaf Leafs Leather Leaves Leighton Lam Leopard Lewis Segal Lilacs Lilly Pulitzer Lime Green Limoges Lions Lisner lizard Locket Lois Ericson lots Love Knot Maltese Cross Man in the Moon Marboux Marcasite Marjorie Baer MarjorieBaer Marquise Marsala Mask Matisse medieval Men'sClothing Men'sShirt Mens Mensclothing MensCufflinks MensFashion Mesh Metal Petals Metzke Michaela Frey Mickey Mouse Mickie Mouse MicroMosaic Mid Century Mid Century Modern MidCenturyModern Milk Glass Milor Minnie Mouse Mirador Mixed Metal MixedMetal Mjent Moderinst Modernist Mogul Monet Moon Moonstone Mosaic Mother of Pearl Mouse Mr. John Mushroom Music Napier Native American Natori Nautical Navajo Navette Necklace necklaces Needlepoint neon new in box Nite Owl Nolan Miller Norsk Norwegian Nurses Nutcracker Omega Chain Onyx Opera Length Opro Orange ORB Orchid Originals by Robert Oscar de la Renta Otto Robert Bade Owl Pahoa Paisley Panetta Parure pastel Pastels Patriotic Peacock Pearl Pearl Cabochon Pearls Pendant Pendant Necklace Penguin Perfume perfume locket Pewter Piano pierced Pigs Pillows Pin Pink Pins Pirates of the Carribbean Pisces poincettia Poinciana Premier Designs Prom Providence Stock Company Puccini Puppy PuppyParka Purple Purse Purses Quartz R Inc Rainbow Rainbows Red Red White and Blue RedWhiteandBlue Reed and Barton Regal Reindeer Renoir Repousse Retro Revlon Reynold Mejer Rhinestone Rhinestone Brooch Rhinestone Necklace rhinestone pins RhinestoneBrooch RhinestoneEarrings Rhinestonenecklace Rhinestones Ring Rings Rolf Buodd Rolyn Roman Rooster Root Beer rope Rose Roses RoyalBlue Russian Safari SAL SAL Swarovski santa Sapphire Sarah Coventry Sarah Coventry Earrings SarahCov SarahCoventry Satin Rhinestone Savvy SC Schrager Screw Back earrings Seed Bead Set Sets shamrock Shell Shoes Silpada Silver SlideNecklace Snakes Snowman Soap Sorrelli Sorrento Southwest Southwestern Spiga Chain spoon St Patricks Day St. John Star Star Art Star Jewelry starburst StellaandDot StellaDot Sterling Sterling Silver SterlingSilver StPatricks StPatricksDay Stranded Necklace Striped Stuart Nye StuartNye sugared sumac Sun Swan Swank Swarovski Swarovski Crystal SwarovskiCrystal Tahe Tassel Teddy TeddyBear Tennesmed Thermoset Tiki Tony Lama Top Hat Topaz Tortolani tribal Trifari Trifari TM TrifariTM Turquoise Turquoise Blue Unisex Unn Tangerud Valentines Day VCLM Vendome Victorian Vintage VintageSoap Walt Disney Weiss Werewolf West Germany Western Germany Wilhelm Goetz Wilshire Winnie Winnie the Pooh Wolf Wolves Women's Womens Clothing WomensHat Wooden Yaacov Heller Yellow you and I YouandI Zad Zebra Zodiac Zoe Coste